To order, simply complete an order form with your requirements and
Post to:
Handrawn, Rose Cottage, Woodwalton, Huntingdon, Cambs PE28 5YN

Payment: please send a cheque made payable to A.Lunniss, with your address on the reverse.

Minimum order: we kindly ask you to ensure your order is more than £5 (excluding p&p).

Postage and packing:
FREE for all items excluding prints.
Prints: £3 p&p

Delivery: please allow at least 15 working days for delivery (UK only).

Returns: Please inspect your order upon delivery. Damaged goods will be exchanged if returned in secure packaging. Unfortunately we cannot offer refunds.

Trade orders: Please contact us for further information.

order form

Due to the nature of different printing process and variety of paper stocks used the final appearance of products may vary.

© All the images and designs on this site are the copyright of the artist and designer. Their use/copy/distribution is forbidden in ANY form, UNLESS a signed and dated copyright release form is granted by the owner.